Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dressed in White

We were walking through a mall the other day, when I heard someone say, “Look at that girl!” Casually turning around, I saw a girl of around 6 years old in a beautiful, white, lacy dress. It wasn’t the dress that caught my eye, although it was snowy white. It wasn’t her outward beauty, although she was adorable. It was what she was doing. With her eyes half closed, her head tilted back, her arms out to the side, she was dancing. People were walking by everywhere, staring, pointing, wondering. But she didn’t even see them. I absolutely could not take my eyes off her. I don’t know how I could tell, but it was so clear to me that she knew she was beautiful. Confidence and joy radiated from her as her faltering, six-year-old steps and twirls formed one of the most beautiful dances I’ve ever seen. That’s when I saw him-an elderly gentleman seated on a stone wall a few feet away, watching his grandaughter with a smile on his age-worn face. That was why she danced.  

This is a little different from my usual updates and posts, but I knew, upon seeing this girl, that I had to write about her. She made such a deep impression on me and God has used it as such a clear picture of his love for me. I often get so caught up in trying to be perfect for God and beating myself up when I’m obviously not. But the truth is: he delights in me; to him, I am dressed in white. To him, my stumbling steps are a dance, as his power changes my weakness into strength. And to picture Him as that elderly grandfather, smiling with delight as his little child tries to dance…what greater joy have I than this-to be in relationship with someone who loves me so? 


  1. Love, Love, LOVE this story, Ambs, and how God spoke so beautifully to you through this! So well expressed and written. A great word picture for all of us to hold close.

  2. Awwww. Thanks so much for sharing this. It bring tears to my eyes. What a word picture!! Beautiful!!
