Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Week in Review

We have had a great week filled with some special events and just good day-to-day life! Last week, we celebrated another birthday (we have birthdays quite often around here :). As you can see, his cake of choice was a minion from Despicable Me! 

After the birthday celebration, we loaded up the van and headed into the city to participate in a big fundraiser put together for us. It was an auction that took place in a beautiful restaurant.  The kids sang a couple songs and recited some verses in front of the crowd, and even had a chance to auction off their own artwork. They had a great time! 

Auction items (signed jerseys from a famous race car driver and soccer player)

More auction items

Singing our songs!

The director and his wife gave a summary of  the ministry.
School Happenings...

Earlier last week, my math class was interrupted when we spotted a little stowaway in our classroom :). We caught him and he is now our classroom pet. I should say "she" as the kids have named her "Lizzie the Lizard." 

Our new little lizard fit perfectly into my habitat science lesson plans! We spent the afternoon making a little habitat perfect for Lizzie!

Maestra Jenny's class is studying the phases of the moon! Such a fun and tasty way to learn! :) 

1 comment:

  1. All of your lizard experience at Chandler paid off! :) You and Jenny keep school fun and exciting!
