Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Our Last Days

New Arrivals 

We recently received two new little ones to our care! They quickly adjusted here and even participated in our school program! 

School Program

We had the privilege of putting on a school program for our staff and some volunteers who were able to make it out! The kids had a variety of different acts that they participated in. Enjoy the pictures below! 


Science Fair!

A reading performance 

Scripture memorization 
Wax Museum!

Bible presentation

Singing "God Has A Plan for My Life"-amazing message! 
Final Piano/Guitar Recital

Last Visit with our English Class

Solar-powered audio Bibles to hand out to our class members and those we've prayed for! (see World Mission www.thetreasure.org)

Just Hanging Out!

Planting flowers

Special breakfast with the teachers!
Ice cream chocolate chip pancakes anyone??
They even tried a broccoli-egg scramble!

Reliving memories with Tia Jen!

Last Day of School Field Trip!

It's Not Goodbye Forever...
The Little Ranch with Hope will forever be etched in my heart with its precious children and staff! Thank you for praying me through my three years of teaching there. I have now begun a new chapter of life in the States, but am excited to see how God will continue to move and work in this ministry. I am looking forward to visiting again soon!

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