Wednesday, April 22, 2015

New Arrivals

This past weekend, we received two "new" little boys at our shelter! They actually lived a few months with us last year and were placed with us again. While we were excited to see their precious faces again, their arrival means additional pain in their past. Please pray for their healing!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

March and Easter!


Many of our kids had the opportunity to be baptized a couple of weeks ago in front of church! We enjoyed celebrating with them afterwards!

Just Hanging Out!

Construction on a new office 
Heading to church!

An extra "friend" we discovered walking toward our school one morning...fellow science teachers, what would you do? 

School Activities and Happenings

New books purchased with donation money! 
Planting in Science

Our classroom greenhouse
How many math fact cups can YOU stack during math class? 

Volunteer, Visitors and Fun!

Making a special craft with some volunteers
Cookie decorating...AND eating of course!


Oobleck anyone?

Jenny and Phil's Wedding Shower: 

Shoe game...How many answers match up?


Acting out the Hosanna story in Bible class
Our kids singing on Easter Sunday
Easter Meal!
Beauty of God's creation literally at our door!