Monday, February 4, 2013

Family and Kylie!

Live worship during our morning song time, newly labeled library books, sifted corn, branded cows, cleared rubble, and playing with the kids were just some of the many ways our families were able to help out as they visited us last week! We had an absolutely WONDERFUL time sharing the ministry and the vision with them! We were able to treat them to a few Mexican dinners and a tour of Guadalajara as well. :)

Words cannot describe how much of a support they were last week, so I've attached millions of pictures below (ok...maybe not millions). I just couldn't choose!

We were also extremely excited to pick up Kylie on the same day that our parents left and she has been spending the last two days getting to know the kids and the general ministry. She got a chance to observe how school runs today and tomorrow will jump right in :) The kids have already fallen in love with her and ask Jenny and I where "Miss Kylie" is if they see us! We are so thankful for God's provision of her and her willing, sweet heart to serve!

As for school, we've been staying fairly on schedule. We're excited to use the new leveled library to help match reading levels to "Just Right" books (for all you teacher friends out there). God has really been showing me the power of prayer through multiple clear, and I mean CLEAR answers to prayer. I'm excited to increase my prayers for the ministry and would appreciate prayer from all of you as well. God is good!

Great quotes of the last few weeks:

*"Maestra Amber, I broke my muscle!"
*"Maestra Jenny, can you count me how many minutes it takes me to brush my teeth in one second?"
*After learning the song Bind Us Together Lord, one of the students was overheard this morning singing "Bang us together, Lord, Bang us together..."
*Student: "Maestra Jenny, do you know your brother Jeff?" Jenny: "Yes, yes I do." Student: "Oh, well he's over looking for the mens."
*Student: "Maestra Jenny, how can a baby come out of a mommy's tummy...even if she has a really fat shirt on?"
*Student: "I want be a baby someday. Then I won't ever cry!"
*Teacher's Question: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Student response: "A barbie!"
*Adult Reminder: "When you get in your bed, you're not going to be..." Correct response would have been "talking." Student's actual response: "Peeing!" Well, I suppose that would be a correct response as well...

Enjoy the pics!

Our new leveled library! Thank you Mom!!

Empty dish sinks (with a lot of hard work)! 
Dixie rides all around! :) 

The Courters with Dixie! 

Live worship in the classroom! 

Our baby owl, not so small anymore...

Chris helping out with the little ones!

Hard at work sifting corn! 
The kids made a little sign to welcome "Miss Kylie!"  

Miss Kylie meets Dixie


  1. haha! LOVED those quotes!
    You'll have to include those more often!
    "Bang us together" will be in my head for quite a while, I'm afraid. . . :)

  2. Definitivamente... Estás en tu charco! It's good to heard about you again. We miss you and we hope continue with your mission. Yeah, it's a wonderful work. Blessings from Costa Rica. All family say "hello". Aldo Gaitán
